Our climate is changing and the impacts of this will be strongly felt in relation to FCERM, as highlighted in the latest Climate Change Risk Assessment. It notes that early adaptation to these risks is considered highly cost beneficial because small changes in average temperature can drive large shifts in extreme events.

Adaptation was a focal point for the UK Presidency at the COP26 in 2021. This now needs to be reflected through ongoing evolution and development of FCERM policy and delivery mechanisms, and in wider consideration of adaptation and flood resilience across the economy and society. Factoring net zero ambitions into FCERM projects will be an important consideration in addressing mitigation and adaptation in tandem where possible.

CIWEM considers that significant change is still required to improve the funding, planning and delivery of FCERM to meet the climate change emergency the UK faces, particularly in relation to maintenance and operational activities, and surface water management, despite increases to capital funding for FCERM in recent years.

The aims of the UK’s four nations’ various flooding and coastal erosion policies, strategies and management plans will not succeed if implemented in isolation nor if other policy areas – such as those relating to development – conflict with them. More needs to be done – particularly on six key topics set out below.

This Policy Position Statement details the key topics which need addressing urgently.

Click here to read the CIWEM PPS.