When ecologists and concrete manufacturers work in partnership to develop interventions for marine and coastal infrastructure that enhance its ecological value, Swansea University presents the Mumbles Sea Hive Project, part of SEACAMS2 sustainable expansion of the applied coastal and marine sectors project.

The Mumbles Sea hive project aims to create a wildlife-friendly coast and to research how an eco-firendlier seawall can be created, as opposed to existing man-made structures like the Mumbles seawall which provide little space for nature. Monitoring colonisation of the tiles with seaweeds, barnacles and other creatures, and testing which patterns perform best, results of the project will inform restoration work of the Mumbles coastal protection.

In collaboration with multiple partners, including Ecostructure, textured, hexagonal tiles using oyster shells aim to demonstrate coastal flood defences can be built that are also valuable habitats for marine wildlife and engaging locations for communities.