One approach to managing growing flood risk and water supply challenges, is a shift towards community-level resilience, with a holistic (Net Zero Water) approach to water-cycle management. There is massive inequality in the distribution of surface water around the world, which in extreme cases leads to flooding and droughts. This creates an urgent need for us to work together, creatively to manage water sustainably and build water resilience at community-level.

There will always be requirements for 'water positive' initiatives to replenish existing water resources or to create new ground and surface water resources; by taking a holistic and practical approach to water cycle management and valuing surface and flood water where it falls, communities can meet this net zero water challenge.

One such innovator in this field is WSP, who, in partnership with South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) completed the C-44 Reservoir/Stormwater Treatment Area (STA), a 6,300-acre man-made wetland area designed to restore, protect and preserve water resources in the region.

The C-44 Reservoir/STA is the largest environmental restoration project in U.S. history, including construction of several miles of canals, reservoirs and new wetlands in Martin County. It is part of the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP), designed to create a natural filter capable of cleaning billions of gallons of freshwater before it hits the St. Lucie Estuary and other waterways.